Friday, November 30, 2007

Come to me, come to me
Whispered she softly
Pumpkin on hands
Seeds on the floor

Carve me a smile
With one crooked tooth
Light up my candle
And I’ll glow for you

Take off your shoes
Laugh at the ghost
Stumbling along
Our smoke covered hope

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I’d like something faithless
Something false
Something blue
I’d like to make you hate me
So maybe I’d hate you
I can’t keep on going
All ugly and impure
I just want something easy
Something worthless
Something more

I am not charity
I am not empathy
I am just simply
Covered in Calgary

Covered in Calgary
Covered in snow
Covered with people
And oil in tow

And oil and oil and oil
In tow, oil in tow is chasing me slow
I want lungs of black and a nose of coal
I want cancer and terror and air that wont blow
I want passion that isn’t my dream of success
I want old and painful and a tear in my dress
I want something different than science and codes
I want everything except for what I’ve wanted most.

They say land is sinking
They say it’s all heat
But maybe quite truly
It all underneath
Underneath our dead bodies
Our hatred our fear
The crisis in recent
Is from all of our years

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Where I live:
Alcoholics scream profanities
Bums secure their supper
By digging through our leftovers
Cats fight in alley ways while
Drugs are taken quietly
Ever so often I wonder how
Far we will all
Go to find what might
Hold us together before
Indecency is the only thing,
Just the one true thing we

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Our Taxes Buy their Drugs

400 and Broadway, that was the address,
400 and Broadway is where people could care less.

50 dollars of food stamps are yours for a fine
25 dollars cash would cover 4 times

4 times of elation, of freedom, of joy
4 times with a needle, a rope and a cry.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Make me into the murderer

Because I could never be a martyr

You'd have to be a saint

And to you I'm just a sinner

You hold the hands of all the blind

Yet leave when once they blunder

All you ever give this world

Is wrongs for them to warble

Your own sister is the harlot

Yet this grace you'll forever hoard

Each person is a tally sheet

And your religion; to keep score

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Your cigarette, your alcohol
I wish was my obsession
That at least my fingers feel
I could easily correct them.

But Vague is my addiction
Shapeless in the night
Begging for attention
It’s my restless, worried mind.

My master is anxiety.
My need is apprehension
Please give my head a patch
Or a helpful 3 step program.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Some soft lace
A smirk on her face
Red on the window panes
Blood stained on the window panes
A spoon near her light
A candle’s her only light
This is the carnival
Filled with lovely cannibals

And maybe when the dusk is here
When the sun hangs low
When it’s cool my dear
Maybe then she’ll walk with you
Walk until 5th Avenue
She’ll wear the red lipstick
The color you like
And paint her eyes black
So they match the last fight

Goodnight, Goodnight
Goodnight, Goodbye

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Promises, promises
I don’t detect apologies
You couldn’t hide behind
Just strings
Instead you made a rope for me
Tied it tight around my knees
Tight so you could squeeze me clean
Squeezed so I would maybe sing
Sing so you could run from me
Run because it sets you free
If free is where you want to be

[I’d suggest quite literally, you take the trail marked ‘idiocy’
I assume you know it well, (yes my dear, we all can tell)]
I am a travesty
A living, breathing
Wait, that reflection
Isn’t me
It’s you, its you, its you
I see.

Monday, February 26, 2007

I’m the face of humanity
You, the stairway I linger in
Because heaven forbid
Someone open the door
To the frozen drunk
Or the beaten whore.

I’m the face you scribbled
Out of all the family pictures
You would box my heart
Up in the rafters
Where dust and moth
Would hide our falters

To try and forget that you can never forget.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

oh purposeful mistakes
draped in devistating grace
I waited at your door
just waiting for escape.

quietly tenderly take me in
Take me in so I may sin
Sin so I can live again
Live so I can finally end

cloak me in your greatest gaffe
excite me wildly with your traits
stroke emotions raw with charm
no second thought, not even alarm

You have me won.
I've become numb.
What have I done
Oh what have I done

Friday, January 12, 2007

Breathe in
And count to 10
My face becomes the rose
That the Circus Animals gained
While performing in the apartment
That seemed completely white and green.

Roly-polies couldn’t roll better so we can’t stop
Laughing when the mad hatter becomes the
Musician on a borrowed keyboard
And I’m covered in apologies
Lean near the screen
Breathe out