Saturday, March 31, 2007

Some soft lace
A smirk on her face
Red on the window panes
Blood stained on the window panes
A spoon near her light
A candle’s her only light
This is the carnival
Filled with lovely cannibals

And maybe when the dusk is here
When the sun hangs low
When it’s cool my dear
Maybe then she’ll walk with you
Walk until 5th Avenue
She’ll wear the red lipstick
The color you like
And paint her eyes black
So they match the last fight

Goodnight, Goodnight
Goodnight, Goodbye

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Promises, promises
I don’t detect apologies
You couldn’t hide behind
Just strings
Instead you made a rope for me
Tied it tight around my knees
Tight so you could squeeze me clean
Squeezed so I would maybe sing
Sing so you could run from me
Run because it sets you free
If free is where you want to be

[I’d suggest quite literally, you take the trail marked ‘idiocy’
I assume you know it well, (yes my dear, we all can tell)]
I am a travesty
A living, breathing
Wait, that reflection
Isn’t me
It’s you, its you, its you
I see.