Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I wanted confessions
And Vulnerabilities in bottles
That would be set sail,
On tears and tomorrows.

Sand made your Guns lock;
The stars would soon follow
Our imminent discourse
Of loves lost, and sorrows.

Before us great oceans
And lands full of snarls
We went without shoes
Or even our towels

We failed quite miraculous
You tripped, and I followed
And left broken our bottles
Which then cut us hollow.

Friday, January 9, 2009

“Please come down from the roof;
Clinging to the chimney has only made you filthy
Please, take off your muddy boots
I’m quite comfortable here, and I don’t need it dirtied”

Please blow smoke from your lungs
It may give this curse a purpose
Instead of leaving us with nothing.

Please, take hope in what’s unknown
Since explaining this happening
Has left me wholly empty

Please, take that road;
If it promises life forever
Because I know your box of sorrows
As well as if it was my own

I hold your tears inside my heart
I wait for joy to be known
I understand, not quite as well
But almost, that you’re scared;
Because you are my definition
Of everything that is unfair.

for my sister.

Your dimples stopped showing
And the numbers started growing.
They added to the odds
Against you being happy

One, one, two, three
And a sum grew due to Fibonacci
Except it wasn’t a shell
Or row of seeds in a flower

He made his number more,
He made it much higher
He counted the cells, he multiplied
And made evil that would take another man’s life

So your smile stopped glowing
And your world became this;
The cancer inside him,
Ate at your soul instead.