Thursday, May 20, 2010

That some great explosion
Took over the sky this morning.
And there were some golden clouds in the east;
Pink in the west;
Grey where they met in the center,
Directly above the highway heading north.
That sometimes I almost get so distracted by the colors
Or the geese, or the rain,
That driving is really the last thing that concerns me.
I’ve got bloody Kleenex around the house
Reminding me I’m human, reminding me I am present.
Otherwise I might forget, you know?
You don’t know.

That’s why they have medicine for this.

Friday, May 7, 2010

I make the sheets move up and down.
Down and up.
Is that the definition of existence?
Even when I’m disappearing,
There they go,
Down and up, up and down.
They all say “You complete me”
But if hollow when found,
We’re really still just missing pieces.

I’m going to evaporate now.
Turn into the acid rain that
Pretends to make you clean.